sensemakr: Sensitivity analysis for linear regression
For R user, install from CRAN via:
> install.packages("sensemakr")
Or install the latest development version from Github via:
> install.packages("devtools")
> devtools::install_github("chadhazlett/sensemakr")
For Stata users, install from SSC with
> ssc install sensemakr, all replace
KRLS: Kernel Regularized Least Squares
For R users, KRLS can be installed from CRAN:
> install.packages("KRLS")
For STATA users, it can be installed from the SSC repository:
>ssc install krls, all replace
kbal: Kernel Balancing
For R users, find current versions of the kbal at my Github repository. You can install with:
> install.packages("devtools")
> devtools::install_github("chadhazlett/kbal")
scqe: Stability-controlled quasi-experiment
Available at https://github.com/chadhazlett/scqe
> install.packages("devtools")
> devtools::install_github("chadhazlett/scqe")
Ami Wulf has made a browser-based application for the stability controlled quasi-experiment with aggregate data \\ https://amiwulf.shinyapps.io/SCQE_demo/
pERPred: Principle ERP reduction and analysis: Estimating and using principle ERP waveforms underlying ERPs across tasks, subjects and electrodes.
For R users, install from Github:
> install.packages("devtools")
> devtools::install_github("emjcampos/pERPred")
Emilly Campos has also made two browser-based browsers to demonstrate and explore the method: